home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <proto/dpkernel.h>
- #include <system/all.h>
- #include <dpkernel/prefs.h>
- #include "defs.h"
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Action: CheckFile()
- ** Object: Picture
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG PIC_CheckFile(mreg(__a0) struct File *File, mreg(__a1) LONG *Buffer)
- {
- if (Buffer[0] IS CODE_FORM AND Buffer[2] IS CODE_ILBM) {
- DPrintF("2CheckFile:","File identified as a Picture");
- return(99);
- }
- else {
- return(NULL);
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Action: Free()
- ** Object: Picture
- */
- LIBFUNC void PIC_Free(mreg(__a0) struct Picture *pic)
- {
- if (pic->prvData) FreeMemBlock(pic->prvData);
- if (pic->prvPalette) FreeMemBlock(pic->prvPalette);
- if (pic->Bitmap) Free(pic->Bitmap);
- Public->OpenCount--;
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Action: Get()
- ** Object: Picture
- */
- LIBFUNC struct Picture * PIC_Get(mreg(__a0) struct Picture *Picture)
- {
- if (Picture->Bitmap = Get(ID_BITMAP)) {
- Picture->Bitmap->Parent = Picture;
- Public->OpenCount++;
- return(Picture);
- }
- else DPrintF("!Get:","Failed to obtain a Bitmap for this Picture.");
- return(NULL);
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Action: Init()
- ** Object: Picture
- **
- ** Loads in a picture, automatically depacking it, assessing the info header and
- ** then copying it out to the bitmap.
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG PIC_Init(mreg(__a0) struct Picture *Picture)
- {
- struct File *File = NULL;
- struct BMHD *BMHD = NULL;
- LONG BodyPos = NULL;
- LONG *Buffer = NULL;
- LONG error = ERR_FAILED;
- APTR FILBase = GVBase->FileBase; /* Seek() and OpenFile() */
- WORD FreeFile = FALSE;
- LONG FileSize;
- /* Open the file and allocate a read buffer. Note that we check
- ** if the Picture->Source is an initialised File, because we do
- ** not want to open the file twice (illegal).
- */
- if (((struct Head *)Picture->Source)->ID IS ID_FILE) {
- if (CheckInit(Picture->Source) IS TRUE) {
- File = Picture->Source;
- }
- }
- if (File IS NULL) {
- if ((File = OpenFile(Picture->Source,FL_READ)) IS NULL) {
- error = ErrCode(ERR_FILE);
- goto exit;
- }
- else FreeFile = TRUE;
- }
- Buffer = AllocMemBlock(BUFFERSIZE,MEM_DATA); /* Allocate a 4k buffer */
- /*** Check for the initial FORM/ILBM part ***/
- Seek(File, 0, POS_START); /* Required in case Picture->Source has been used */
- Read(File, Buffer, 12); /* [FORM] [Size] [ILBM] */
- if ((Buffer[0] != CODE_FORM) OR (Buffer[2] != CODE_ILBM)) {
- DPrintF("!Init:","This file does not start with a FORM/ILBM header.");
- error = ERR_DATA;
- goto exit;
- }
- FileSize = Buffer[1];
- /*** Read each iff chunk in the file ***/
- while ((FileSize > 0) AND (BodyPos IS NULL)) {
- if (Read(File,Buffer,8) != 8) { /* [CODE] [Size] */
- DPrintF("!Query","I could not read the next chunk.");
- goto exit;
- }
- if (Buffer[1] & 0x00000001) Buffer[1] += 1;
- FileSize -= Buffer[1];
- if (Buffer[0] IS CODE_CMAP) {
- DPrintF("3Init:","IFF CMAP header found.");
- if (Buffer[1] > BUFFERSIZE) goto exit;
- if (CMAP = AllocMemBlock(Buffer[1],MEM_DATA)) {
- Read(File, CMAP, Buffer[1]);
- }
- }
- else if (Buffer[0] IS CODE_BMHD) {
- DPrintF("3Init:","IFF BMHD header found.");
- if (Buffer[1] > BUFFERSIZE) goto exit;
- if (BMHD = AllocMemBlock(Buffer[1],MEM_DATA)) {
- if (Read(File, BMHD, Buffer[1]) != Buffer[1]) {
- error = ErrCode(ERR_READ);
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- else {
- error = ErrCode(ERR_MEMORY);
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- else if (Buffer[0] IS CODE_CAMG) {
- DPrintF("3Init:","IFF CAMG header found.");
- if (Buffer[1] > BUFFERSIZE) goto exit;
- if (Read(File,Buffer,Buffer[1]) IS Buffer[1]) {
- CAMG = Buffer[0];
- }
- else {
- error = ErrCode(ERR_READ);
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- else if (Buffer[0] IS CODE_BODY) {
- DPrintF("Init:","IFF BODY header found.");
- BodyPos = File->BytePos;
- }
- else {
- if (Seek(File, Buffer[1], POS_CURRENT) IS -1) { /* Skip to the next chunk */
- DPrintF("!Init:","I could not seek to the correct file position.");
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- }
- if (BodyPos) {
- /* Query the Picture and then initialise the Bitmap before
- ** unpacking the file.
- */
- if (Query(Picture) IS ERR_OK) {
- Init(Picture->Bitmap,NULL);
- Seek(File, BodyPos, POS_START);
- error = UnpackPicture(Picture,BMHD,File,CMAP,CAMG);
- }
- else DPrintF("!Init:","Could not query picture information.");
- }
- else DPrintF("!Init:","Picture has no BODY chunk.");
- /*** Check for a Palette ***/
- if ((Picture->Bitmap->AmtColours <= 256) AND (Picture->Bitmap->Palette IS NULL)) {
- DPrintF("!Init:","Warning - I could not obtain a palette from the file.");
- }
- exit:
- if (Buffer) FreeMemBlock(Buffer);
- if (BMHD) FreeMemBlock(BMHD);
- if (CMAP) FreeMemBlock(CMAP);
- if (FreeFile IS TRUE) Free(File);
- return(error);
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Action: Load()
- ** Object: Picture
- **
- ** Loads in an object file that is known to be of the Picture class. This action
- ** will get the palette of the Picture if there is one, and store the data in
- ** standard memory.
- **
- ** We use the File->Source rather than just the File, because we must assume
- ** that the File object will be freed by Load() and only the source will continue
- ** to be valid.
- */
- LIBFUNC struct Picture * PIC_Load(mreg(__a0) struct File *File)
- {
- struct Picture *Picture;
- Picture = InitTags(NULL,
- PCA_Source, File->Source,
- return(Picture);
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Action: Query()
- ** Object: Picture
- **
- ** Gets picture information - width, height, amount of colors, planes etc. It does
- ** not grab the data of the picture.
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG PIC_Query(mreg(__a0) struct Picture *Picture)
- {
- struct BMHD *BMHD = NULL;
- struct File *File = NULL;
- struct Bitmap *Bitmap;
- LONG error = ERR_FAILED; /* The default code is for failure */
- LONG CMAPSize = NULL; /* Size of the CMAP array */
- LONG *Buffer = NULL;
- WORD FreeFile = FALSE;
- APTR BLTBase = GVBase->BlitterBase; /* GetBmpType() */
- APTR FILBase = GVBase->FileBase; /* Seek() and OpenFile() */
- BYTE *SrcPalette;
- BYTE *DestPalette;
- LONG i;
- LONG FileSize;
- DPrintF("~Query()","Picture: $%x", Picture);
- /*** Validation procedures ***/
- if ((Bitmap = Picture->Bitmap) IS NULL) {
- DPrintF("!Query;","No Picture->Bitmap present.");
- goto exit;
- }
- /* Open the file and allocate a read buffer. Note that we check
- ** if the Picture->Source is an initialised File, because we do
- ** not want to open the file twice (illegal).
- */
- if (((struct Head *)Picture->Source)->ID IS ID_FILE) {
- if (CheckInit(Picture->Source) IS TRUE) {
- File = Picture->Source;
- }
- }
- if (File IS NULL) {
- if ((File = OpenFile(Picture->Source,FL_READ)) IS NULL) {
- error = ErrCode(ERR_FILE);
- goto exit;
- }
- else FreeFile = TRUE;
- }
- Buffer = AllocMemBlock(BUFFERSIZE,MEM_DATA); /* Allocate a 4k buffer */
- /*** Check for the initial FORM/ILBM part ***/
- Seek(File, 0, POS_START); /* Required in case Picture->Source has been used */
- Read(File, Buffer, 12); /* [FORM] [Size] [ILBM] */
- if ((Buffer[0] != CODE_FORM) OR (Buffer[2] != CODE_ILBM)) {
- DPrintF("!Query:","This file does not start with a FORM/ILBM header.");
- error = ERR_DATA;
- goto exit;
- }
- FileSize = GetFSize(File);
- /*** Read each iff chunk in the file ***/
- while (File->BytePos < FileSize) {
- if (Read(File,Buffer,8) != 8) { /* [CODE] [Size] */
- DPrintF("!Query:","I could not read the next chunk.");
- break;
- }
- if (Buffer[1] & 0x00000001) Buffer[1] += 1;
- if (Buffer[0] IS CODE_CMAP) {
- DPrintF("3Query:","IFF CMAP header found.");
- if (Buffer[1] > BUFFERSIZE) goto exit;
- CMAPSize = Buffer[1]/3;
- if (CMAP = AllocMemBlock(Buffer[1],MEM_DATA)) {
- Read(File, CMAP, Buffer[1]);
- }
- }
- else if (Buffer[0] IS CODE_BMHD) {
- DPrintF("3Query:","IFF BMHD header found.");
- if (Buffer[1] > BUFFERSIZE) goto exit;
- if (BMHD = AllocMemBlock(Buffer[1],MEM_DATA)) {
- if (Read(File, BMHD, Buffer[1]) != Buffer[1]) {
- error = ErrCode(ERR_READ);
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- else {
- error = ErrCode(ERR_MEMORY);
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- else if (Buffer[0] IS CODE_CAMG) {
- DPrintF("3Query:","IFF CAMG header found.");
- if (Buffer[1] > BUFFERSIZE) goto exit;
- if (Read(File,Buffer,Buffer[1]) IS Buffer[1]) {
- CAMG = Buffer[0];
- }
- else {
- error = ErrCode(ERR_READ);
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- else {
- DPrintF("3Query:","Unused chunk, skipping %ld bytes.",Buffer[1]);
- if (Seek(File, Buffer[1], POS_CURRENT) IS -1) { /* Skip to the next chunk */
- DPrintF("!Query:","I could not seek to the correct file position.");
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- }
- if (BMHD) {
- if (Bitmap->AmtColours IS NULL) Bitmap->AmtColours = CMAPSize;
- if (Bitmap->Height IS NULL) Bitmap->Height = BMHD->Height;
- if (Bitmap->Planes IS NULL) Bitmap->Planes = BMHD->Depth;
- if (Bitmap->Type IS NULL) Bitmap->Type = GetBmpType(); /* User preference */
- if (Picture->ScrWidth IS NULL) Picture->ScrWidth = BMHD->ScrWidth;
- if (Picture->ScrHeight IS NULL) Picture->ScrHeight = BMHD->ScrHeight;
- if (Bitmap->Width IS NULL) {
- Bitmap->Width = BMHD->Width;
- Bitmap->ByteWidth = NULL; /* Let the Init(Bitmap) calculate it */
- }
- }
- if (CAMG) {
- /* Note that if the programmer has preset a non-planar mode,
- ** then we cannot set HAM or EHB bits (the picture will be
- ** converted so special graphic flags do not apply).
- */
- if ((Bitmap->Type IS ILBM) OR (Bitmap->Type IS PLANAR)) {
- if ((Bitmap->Planes IS 6) OR (Bitmap->Planes IS 8)) {
- if (CAMG & OSV_HAM) Picture->Bitmap->Flags |= BMF_HAM;
- if (CAMG & OSV_EHB) Picture->Bitmap->Flags |= BMF_EXTRAHB;
- }
- }
- if (CAMG & OSV_LACED) Picture->ScrMode |= SM_LACED;
- if (CAMG & OSV_HIRES) {
- Picture->ScrMode |= SM_HIRES;
- }
- else Picture->ScrMode |= SM_LORES;
- }
- /*** Generate Palette ***/
- if ((Bitmap->Palette IS NULL) AND (Bitmap->AmtColours <= 256) AND (CMAP)) {
- if (Bitmap->Palette = AllocMemBlock((Bitmap->AmtColours * 4)+8,MEM_DATA)) {
- Picture->prvPalette = Bitmap->Palette;
- Bitmap->Palette[0] = PALETTE_ARRAY;
- Bitmap->Palette[1] = Bitmap->AmtColours;
- SrcPalette = (BYTE *)CMAP;
- DestPalette = ((BYTE *)Bitmap->Palette)+8;
- for (i=0; i < Bitmap->AmtColours; i++) {
- DestPalette[1] = SrcPalette[0];
- DestPalette[2] = SrcPalette[1];
- DestPalette[3] = SrcPalette[2];
- DestPalette += 4;
- SrcPalette += 3;
- }
- }
- else {
- error = ErrCode(ERR_MEMORY);
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- /* Re/Initialise the Picture->Bitmap. Note that because we are only
- ** querying the Bitmap we set up a dummy data pointer.
- */
- if (Query(Bitmap) != ERR_OK) {
- DPrintF("!Query:","Failed to Query() the Bitmap.");
- goto exit;
- }
- error = ERR_OK;
- exit:
- if (Buffer) FreeMemBlock(Buffer);
- if (BMHD) FreeMemBlock(BMHD);
- if (CMAP) FreeMemBlock(CMAP);
- if (FreeFile IS TRUE) Free(File);
- StepBack();
- return(error);
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Actions: File support.
- ** Object: Picture
- ** Short: These routines allow you to read/write to a Picture's Bitmap.
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG PIC_Read(mreg(__a0) struct Picture *Picture, mreg(__a1) BYTE *Buffer, mreg(__d0) LONG Length) {
- return(Read(Picture->Bitmap,Buffer,Length));
- }
- LIBFUNC LONG PIC_Seek(mreg(__a0) struct Picture *Picture, mreg(__d0) LONG Offset, mreg(__d1) WORD Position) {
- return(Seek(Picture->Bitmap,Offset,Position));
- }
- LIBFUNC LONG PIC_Write(mreg(__a0) struct Picture *Picture, mreg(__a1) BYTE *Buffer, mreg(__d0) LONG Length) {
- return(Write(Picture->Bitmap,Buffer,Length));
- }